
Empowering Tomorrow: Innovate, Code, Inspire

Wednesday February 12, 2025 9:15am - 10:15am HST
With technology continuing to evolve rapidly, today’s students need foundational computer science knowledge to grapple with the complex questions they will undoubtedly face throughout their lives. The landscape of computer science education is also changing rapidly with more students participating than ever before. This session will explore the need to reimagine CS education to prepare all students for a world powered by computing.

Jake Koressel, K-12 Standards Project Manager for the Computer Science Teachers Association, will share a vision for a world where all students experience the quality CS education needed to become informed citizens and confident creators of content and digital tools. This includes:
  • Research efforts related to reimagining CS education,
  • Plans and progress for updating the CSTA K-12 standards to align with this vision,
  • Ways to get involved and be a part of the shift.
Key takeaways will include actionable insights for educators, administrators, and other members of the CS education community to expand CS education, promote equitable access, and prepare students for success no matter their interests or chosen career path.

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Jacob Koressel

K-12 Standards Project Manager, Computer Science Teachers Association
Jake Koressel has served in a variety of roles in CS education including high school teacher, state computer science supervisor, pre-service CS teacher educator, and researcher. He is currently the K-12 Standards Project Manager with the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA... Read More →
Wednesday February 12, 2025 9:15am - 10:15am HST
Piinaio Ballroom 1

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