
Empowering Tomorrow: Innovate, Code, Inspire

Wednesday February 12, 2025 11:50am - 1:05pm HST
We have been working hard. And hopefully we've been working hard at the right things, the things that increase confidence in our students who are curious about and want to pursue computer science as a career path. As programs are developed and implemented, we should continuously ask ourselves if our students feel that they belong in computer science and if they are feeling confident. And because we know that teachers are important role models, we should concurrently ask ourselves if our teachers feel they belong and if they feel confident. Even if not in computer science, we as teachers are instrumental in encouraging and guiding students in their education and career aspirations.
avatar for Leilani Phan

Leilani Phan

Kalani High School
Leilani Phan is a high school senior passionate about robotics, STEM outreach, and marine science. As a key leader on her robotics team, she dedicates her time to building competitive robots and running outreach programs that inspire young students to explore engineering and computer... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Truc Nguyen

Dr. Truc Nguyen

Specialist, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa - College of Education
Trúc conducts research in leveraging learning technologies for maximum influence and the Internet's impact on teaching and learning. She has two primary areas of research specialty: online learning communities for teachers and Internet safety issues for schools and families. In her... Read More →
Wednesday February 12, 2025 11:50am - 1:05pm HST
Piinaio Ballroom 1

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