
Empowering Tomorrow: Innovate, Code, Inspire

Wednesday February 12, 2025 2:15pm - 3:15pm HST
In this hands-on session, participants will learn how coding apps and workforce skills are inherently connected. According to a CASEL report, 92 percent of businesses agree that soft skills are equally or more important than technical skills, specifically problem-solving and communication. Experiences like building a mobile app can actually help develop, enhance, and augment these skills. Using the six-step design thinking process, educators will build their own apps and learn how piquing interest in computer science starting as early as elementary school and expanding on that through middle and high school can lay the foundation for the vital and transferable skills students will need for their education careers and beyond. Please bring a laptop or a tablet for this session.

avatar for Alefiya Master

Alefiya Master

Founder & CEO, MAD-Learn
Alefiya (A-lay-fee-ya) is a former Montessori teacher and founder & CEO of the award-winning EdTech company MAD-learn. She is a big promoter of entrepreneurship in education and is passionate about positively impacting the education industry. She was featured on Forbes for her work... Read More →

Evangeline Casinas

Complex Academic Officer, Nānākuli-Wai`anae Complex Area
Vangie's 30-year HIDOE career focuses on college & career readiness. A former Nationally Board Certified Career and Technical Education (CTE) teacher, she's held diverse roles including assistant principal, federal program manager, & State CTE specialist. Currently, as Nānākuli-Wai`anae's... Read More →
Wednesday February 12, 2025 2:15pm - 3:15pm HST
Palolo Room 1 & 2

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