
Empowering Tomorrow: Innovate, Code, Inspire

Thursday February 13, 2025 2:15pm - 3:15pm HST
Today’s technological challenges shift almost day to day. Global competition for in-demand tech related careers is at an all-time high and will continue to increase as the world ideologies, environmental factors, and high-tech globalization hourishes. Students face challenging and life changing career decisions during formative years and once in secondary education, they are ready to begin mastering skills and earn credentials/certiTcations to enter the workforce and/or pursue higher education. Integrating rigorous STEM curricula, Esports, and academic curricula allows students to enjoy the beneTt of graduating college, career, and military ready. Discover how to maximize your STEM and IT Pathways while garnering support from all stakeholders – business and industry, teachers, administrators, parents, and the community at large.

Conference attendees will learn strategies to maximize STEM & IT Pathway participation and engage students in relevant, rigorous academic curricula in CS courses. Attendees will connect the relevance of emerging technologies and Esports to guide innovative curricula to help students successfully complete industry certiTcations and electronic portfolios. Participants will have an opportunity to gain knowledge of growing IT/STEM industries and compare available curricula that match their state's standards. Participants will have the opportunity to investigate the current markets trends and create programs with recognized industry certiTcations.
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Jill Ranucci

Educational/CTE Consultant, Jill Ranucci, Ph.D., CTE Consultant
Dr. Jill Ranucci is a College and Career Readiness advocate and has an extensive background in education as an administrator and teacher. Dr. Ranucci consults to help districts align resources to state standards, state initiatives, and industry recognized credentials/certifications... Read More →
Thursday February 13, 2025 2:15pm - 3:15pm HST
Palolo 4

Attendees (6)

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