
Empowering Tomorrow: Innovate, Code, Inspire

Venue: Palolo 4 clear filter
Wednesday, February 12

10:20am HST

Hack the HACC - Leveraging Community Based Challenges in Your Classroom
Wednesday February 12, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am HST
Are you curious about the Hawaii Annual Code Challenge (HACC) but unsure where to start?  Discover how to empower yourself and your students with valuable HACC resources and the CSTA-sponsored Mini-HACC. We’ll simplify the process and share strategies to build confidence and collaboration in your classroom.

avatar for Sheila Buyukacar

Sheila Buyukacar

Chapter Vice President, CSTA Hawaii
Sheila’s work centers on creating positive, life-changing experiences that strengthen communities one opportunity at a time. She currently helps her students uncover connections essential to reaching their goals and full potential.For the past seven years, Sheila has been a member... Read More →

Wednesday February 12, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am HST
Palolo 4

1:10pm HST

Engaging Elementary Learners in CS through Interactive Sequencing Strategies
Wednesday February 12, 2025 1:10pm - 2:10pm HST
Elementary learners often struggle with abstract concepts like algorithms, sequencing, loops, and debugging, especially in under-resourced environments such as less computer science lessons. This session addresses these challenges by showcasing methods that make CS accessible, such as integrating Code.org’s sequencing activities and the Micro:bit project. The workshop will guide participants in developing interactive lessons aligned with the CSTA standards, emphasizing hands-on engagement, culturally responsive teaching practices, and accessible technology applications.

avatar for Ning Zhou Langworthy

Ning Zhou Langworthy

Computer Science Teacher, Kauluwela Elementary School
Ning Zhou Langworthy is an elementary computer science teacher at Kauluwela Elementary, focused on fostering computational thinking and problem-solving in young learners. Trained in Python and licensed in elementary education, Ning uses hands-on, culturally responsive methods to make... Read More →

Sonja Samsonas

Principal, Kauluwela Elem School
Wednesday February 12, 2025 1:10pm - 2:10pm HST
Palolo 4

2:15pm HST

Generative AI and its Impact on Higher Education
Wednesday February 12, 2025 2:15pm - 3:15pm HST
Generative AI, as championed by conversation chatbots like ChatGPT, has greatly impacted higher education for the past year or so. This presentation delves into the basics of Large Language Models (LLMs), prompt engineering, fine tuning, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and the impact of these technologies in the classroom. Participants with laptops can engage in hands-on activities, but this is optional. This presentation will provide the latest updates in the core features and usage of popular AI tools such as closed models such as ChatGPT from OpenAI, Claude from Anthropic, and Gemma from Google as well as open source models in Hugging Face such as Mistral and Llama from Meta.

avatar for Debasis Bhattacharya

Debasis Bhattacharya

Professor, University of Hawaii Maui College
Dr. Debasis Bhattacharya (Debāśiṣ Bhaṭṭāchārya, দেবাশীষ ভট্টাচার্য, देवाशीष भट्टाचार्य) is a tenured Professor at the University of Hawai’i Maui College, where he also serves as the Program Coordinator... Read More →
Wednesday February 12, 2025 2:15pm - 3:15pm HST
Palolo 4
Thursday, February 13

10:20am HST

Gathering Evidence & Supporting Claims: A Culturally Relevant Computer Science Workshop for Teachers
Thursday February 13, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am HST
Led by faculty from UH Mānoa, this workshop introduces educators to the concept of culturally-relevant computing, with a focus on the CSTA's core concept Data & Analysis. The workshop aims to promote instruction that values Computer Science (CS) outcomes while simultaneously valuing culture-based outcomes. Using hands-on activities, the wokshop will introduce a replayable simulation designed to create opportunities for learners to collect evidence, analyze data, and make claims. The workshop will be of value to anyone interested in broadening participation in STEM-related fields such as CS.


Dan Hoffman

Associate Professor, College of Education, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Thursday February 13, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am HST
Palolo 4

1:10pm HST

Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science Education: Implications and Practices
Thursday February 13, 2025 1:10pm - 2:10pm HST
In this presentation, we will discuss the gaps and resources needed to cultivate artificial intelligence (AI) literacy in computer science (CS) education. We will outline educational principles and guidelines for teaching AI literacy in CS, focusing on age-appropriate practices. Additionally, we will explore methods and approaches for fostering AI literacy in K-12 CS education. Further, we will touch on the role of place-based learning in cultivating AI literacy, particularly in Hawaiʻi schools, and how culturally responsive practices can make AI education more relevant and meaningful in Hawaiian learning contexts. The audience will be able to elaborate reflect on the educational practices for sustainable and promising AI literacy teaching and learning in CS education in Hawaiʻi schools.

Chih-Pu Dai

Assistant Professor, Department of Learning Design and Technology, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Dr. Chih-Pu Dai is an assistant professor in the Department of Learning Design and Technology at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s College of Education. His research agenda involves the design and development of innovative and inclusive advanced learning technologies as well... Read More →

Azibun Nuder

Gradaute Assistant (Hawai'i Education Research Network), Information and Computer Sciences Department
Ms. Azibun Nuder is a graduate assistant in Hawai'i Education Research Network, working on Artificial Intelligence Education and Literacy for Computer Science Education and crosscutting disciplines.
Thursday February 13, 2025 1:10pm - 2:10pm HST
Palolo 4

2:15pm HST

Emerging Technologies/Academic Esports: A Gateway to Student Credentials/Certifications
Thursday February 13, 2025 2:15pm - 3:15pm HST
Today’s technological challenges shift almost day to day. Global competition for in-demand tech related careers is at an all-time high and will continue to increase as the world ideologies, environmental factors, and high-tech globalization hourishes. Students face challenging and life changing career decisions during formative years and once in secondary education, they are ready to begin mastering skills and earn credentials/certiTcations to enter the workforce and/or pursue higher education. Integrating rigorous STEM curricula, Esports, and academic curricula allows students to enjoy the beneTt of graduating college, career, and military ready. Discover how to maximize your STEM and IT Pathways while garnering support from all stakeholders – business and industry, teachers, administrators, parents, and the community at large.

Conference attendees will learn strategies to maximize STEM & IT Pathway participation and engage students in relevant, rigorous academic curricula in CS courses. Attendees will connect the relevance of emerging technologies and Esports to guide innovative curricula to help students successfully complete industry certiTcations and electronic portfolios. Participants will have an opportunity to gain knowledge of growing IT/STEM industries and compare available curricula that match their state's standards. Participants will have the opportunity to investigate the current markets trends and create programs with recognized industry certiTcations.
avatar for Jill Ranucci

Jill Ranucci

Educational/CTE Consultant, Jill Ranucci, Ph.D., CTE Consultant
Dr. Jill Ranucci is a College and Career Readiness advocate and has an extensive background in education as an administrator and teacher. Dr. Ranucci consults to help districts align resources to state standards, state initiatives, and industry recognized credentials/certifications... Read More →
Thursday February 13, 2025 2:15pm - 3:15pm HST
Palolo 4
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