About me
Wayne Lewis is the Cisco Academy Manager for the Pacific Center for Advanced Technology Training (PCATT), based at Honolulu Community College (HonCC), and the Legal Main Contact for the CCNA/CCNP/Network Security Cisco Academy Training Center at PCATT/HonCC. Since 1998, Wayne has taught routing and switching, wide area networking, network troubleshooting, network security, wireless networking, IP telephony, and quality of service to instructors from universities, colleges, and high schools in
Australia, Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America, United States, American Samoa, Guam, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore, Korea, Japan, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, and Great Britain, both onsite and at PCATT/HonCC. Cisco has sent Wayne to several countries to conduct inaugural Networking Academy teacher-training sessions to certify the initial cohorts of instructors and kick off the training centers for these countries. Before teaching networking, Wayne began teaching
at age 20 at Wichita State University, followed by the University of Hawaii and HonCC. In 1992, Wayne received a Ph.D. in math, specializing in finite rank torsion-free modules over a Dedekind domain; he now works on algebraic number theory research in his spare time. Wayne works as a contractor for Cisco , performing project management for the development of network security, CCNA, and CCNP curriculum. He and his wife, Leslie, also run a network consulting company. Wayne enjoys surfing the South Shore of Oahu in
the summer and surfing big waves on the North Shore in the winter.